Saturday, July 16, 2011

Update all about MEEE!

Hahahah ... Well I went and reread this blog and realized I did introduce myself but it's been awhile. I'm still me... but I'm now 27!! eekk...that coming from the girl that swore she'd stay 21 forever :) My kiddos are now 2 and 3... I've been married for 4 and a half years now...We are more than likely moving BACK to Texas lol. I've had a lot of fun up here, met a LOT of really cool people that have impacted my life in a very positive way. I wouldn't change it, but I will always be a Texas girl. Besides my son has started calling cokes- we cannot have that! :) Greg is a correctional officers with juveniles, and I think he's very good with these kids. I have lost another 20 pounds WOOT! I could not be more excited about that!
I have BIG hair I want to travel and do, and see, and learn from the best. I remember telling my instructors when I began that if I was going to do this - I wanted to be the best! I wanted to be one of those people you see in the style magazines! I have decided to apply for the Matrix Spread the Love 2012. I have HUGE support from my friends in the industry as well as my family. I've spent time being the army wife, the stay at home mom...THIS is what I want to do for ME! My time has come! I couldn't be more excited, I just really hope that I can make the cut! I love this industry so much... going to the hair show was almost overwhelming because I wanted to see, watch, and do everything there! Okay I'll stop with that, but I just hope that I can fulfill my dreams. I'm still a wife and mom, but we have dreams too!
Other than that- nothing new is really going on! Alright I'll go to bed- for real this time! :)