You know the mom that spends days inside in the summer because I just do not want to entertain my kids 24/7 and tells you she won't join you for that park date in 102 degree Texas weather in July? Me again.
Don't get me wrong- I do a LOT with my kids. We do the movies, Six Flags, the lake, cookouts, etc, but I refuse to be mom, maid, teacher, nurse, and all of the other things mom do PLUS the entire entertainment committee for an entire summer. Nope. Not happening. So my kids can go outside and blow up that giant gorilla sprinkler, or use the metal one and play. They can use their imagination to find something else to do. I remember playing outside almost all summer long and coming into my mom watching her soaps and taking a nap on the couch. Now, I don't let my kids roam like I was able to but I am still that hot mess of a mom that just wants her kids to go outside and play. I love them so so much but go playyyyyyyy....
I used to think I wasn't cut out to be a mom, but then I realized that it was because I spent too much time worrying about what other moms were doing, how spotless their homes were, how many vacations they took their kids on, or all the fun unicorn ice cream treats they bought their kids. Now, I realize it's more fun to let them bake a cake of their own, build forts in the backyard, and let them be kids. I don't need to be entertaining them ALLLL the time- it makes for a mom mental breakdown.
I will never be that mom that has it all together. I've been telling myself for years I'd get it together. Nope. I never will. I've accepted this is who I am. I'll be the mom that gets the last warning email for field trip forms that I put on the counter and forgot about in the hustle of our lives. I'll forever be that mom that holds her kids accountable for doing their own assignments but accepting the consequences if they don't. I will not remember their homework for them. I will be the one there RIGHT on time and NEVER early, but I WILL BE THERE. I won't be the room mom because I want to be in the moment and enjoy the things with my kids...but sure I'll bring the juice boxes. :)
I know that I am not alone. I am sure I am judged by other moms with their lives together. I just cannot imagine being any other way!
I don't know- it's after midnight- my kids are STILL awake despite having a 10:00 bedtime in summer and I think I'm going crazy...I just realized that my life is chaos because I am a hot mess...and it's okay! So here's to all the hot mess moms that are amazing!!
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